Letter: Trudeau’s resignation is a positive development for Canada and North America

Letter: Trudeau’s resignation is a positive development for Canada and North America

SEO Content Writing Service

Canadians must be exhaling a sigh of relief when they heard the news that PM Justin Trudeau is resigning, and that a new government can be formed in March following a February election.  Parliament will be suspended until a new leader is elected. It’s likely that the Conservative Party will prevail in the election.

Most Americans and Canadians are beyond fed up with the anti-business and anti-democracy policies of condescending leadership. Trudeau represents the dystopian world view of the woke industrial complex that damaged all sectors of society with open borders, persistent inflation, identity politics, homelessness, pandemic policies and high taxes.

Trudeau seemed to have no self-awareness as to the impact of his policies on regular folks, and perhaps he didn’t care.  Most folks merely want economic opportunity, free speech, secure borders, better schools, reduced inflation, and public safety. Trudeau failed to facilitate the implementation of these major issues. Sounds much like Gavin Newsom, right?

Christian Milord, Fullerton

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