Gadgets that can help you to reduce stress levels.

Gadgets that can help you to reduce stress levels.

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There is no single way to relieve us of all our stress and worries, however, there are ways to provide some relief. Science has found a way to help us relax and focus through gadgets we can use quickly and even some we can wear throughout the day or night. These gadgets are only effective if you use them consistently and allow yourself to start feeling the effects as your brain learns to calm down.

Bringing science and meditation together to provide you with a way to reduce stress levels, increase focus and improve your quality of sleep, these gadgets are popular with many. Working in the legal industry is known to raise stress levels but with these gadgets you could begin your journey to tranquillity even when you’re in the office.

Whether you have a day off, only a 10-minute break or a day filled with important meetings these gadgets could work for you as they are designed to make it easy for you and not add to your to-do list.

  1. Muse 2

This a device you can wear as a headband during the day or night to help you wake up feeling calm and refreshed. Using EEG technology muse will accurately track your brain activity whilst in use including heart rate, breathing and audio feedback can be accessed via the app.

This headband is built to be comfortable so it can be worn for long periods so it can train your mind to focus on calming. If it senses your mind is distracted it will play sounds such as rain and wind to recentre you. Once you are calm and relaxed it will play soothing nature sounds which lets you know you are in a calm state. By allowing yourself to focus your brain can stop racing and learn how to de-stress.

Wearing this in the office may get a few looks but you won’t even notice when you’re that calm.

  1. Sensate 2

This is a stone-shaped device that you can start feeling the effects of quickly. Lay it on your chest where it will emit vibrations to help you relax. Sensate was made and tested in the UK and has quickly become a popular tool to relieve tension.

Using Infrasonic resonance and soundscapes, this device activates the Vagus nerve which then calms the brain medulla which is responsible for stress and anxiety.

Whilst Sensate cannot be worn for long periods of time it has almost immediate effects and so is suitable if you are on a busy schedule and can only get a 10-minute break to use it.

  1. CalmiGO

This is a small portable device which is great if you are often on the go. CalmiGO can help you to learn breathing techniques and prolonged exhalation. You breathe into the device and receive feedback on whether you need to take longer breaths or not. Using scents from natural oils as you breathe in a scent of your choice to help with relaxation.

The device boasts effective results within 3 minutes of using it with no side effects. In moments of intense anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD this device will help you to relieve your stress and continue with your day without a hitch. CalmiGO helps to activate the parasympathetic system which is the ‘calming’ nervous system and will reduce your stress.

  1. Apollo Neuro

This is a wearable device for a comfortable wear all day, it can either be worn on your wrist, ankle, or clipped onto your clothes. This device was brought to us through neuroscience research at the University of Pittsburgh. Being able to wear this device allows you to always have it on, even in meetings.

Research for Apollo Neuro shows that on average this device will help users feel 40% less stress and less feelings of anxiety, an 11% increase in HRV, up to 30 more minutes of sleep at night and 25% more focus and concentration ability.

The vibrations from this gadget are soothing to rebalance the nervous system. They recommend using it 3 hours a day for 5 days a week. With this one, the more you use it the better it will work for you as your body learns to regulate and you will regain control of your stress reactions.


If gadgets aren’t your thing and you want to learn ways to relieve stress yourself then read our 5 essential tips to help you cope with workplace stress and regain your balance.

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